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One Panjab, in collaboration with Mai Bhago Armed Forces Preparatory Institute organised a cultural event and discussed "the Role of Women in the History and Culture of Panjab".

The One Panjab Project

The One Panjab Project celebrates the instant bond formed when Panjabis from across the border meet, at any chance encounter across the world – be it in Europe, North America, or Canada. These mulakats are truly karamats in every way - and this special connection is truly hundreds of years of a joyous common culture and shared heritage.


The respect, mutual appreciation and especially warm enthusiasm are so natural of our culture. There is talk of each other’s parents or grandparent’s original homes (from across the border); often common folks are identified and this culminates into lifelong friendships, undoubtedly spanning generations to come. It is this very warmth and the generous spirit that Panjabis have to look out for each other, that has led to the One Panjab Project.

The Aim of One Panjab

The One Panjab project aims to understand the history and culture of the undivided Panjab from both sides of the border, to share it with each other across a global audience. 


We strive to enable a cultural dialogue of common understanding for mutual appreciation, leading to community cohesion and bonding. 


 The following initiatives are being created by us:

  • a Resource Center that depicts "The Panjab"

  • Multiple Libraries & Research Centers

  • Specialized Courses, especially on Panjabi Culture

  • a contemporary Cultural Space  

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Welcome to

The One Panjab Library

Get Involved with Us

Sponsor an Internship

Support us by sponsoring

one, or more, Student Internships.

Student Internships start from 

INR 7,500 to INR 25,000.

Submit a Family Story

You are welcome to submit your family's stories about the partition, which will be published in our online magazine.

Selected stories will be published in 2022, honoring

the 75th anniversary of Partition.

Sponsor a Research Grant

Support us by sponsoring

or co-sponsoring grants for a researcher in the field of cultural, social, historical and agricultural research.

Grants start from

INR 10,000 to INR 35,000.

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